Pennsylvania flagstone and bluestone 1½ inches thick is installed on a compacted based off modified and screened stone. Bluestone as the name implies inconsistent shades of grayish blue. Full range flagstone come in various shades of gray which may have tints of blue (bluestone), green, tan, brown, rust, and plum mixed with the gray. We individually select the stones to ensure quality and desired color range. Stones are also individually installed at the proper grade. Walks are blended into existing grade, with a minimum of disturbance to surrounding lawns and gardens, with the proper pitch.
All walks shown were constructed by Robert J. Kleinberg Landscape Design and Construction. He is an ICPI Certified Concrete Paver Installer and an NCMA Certified Segmental Retaining Wall Installer. He is also an EP Henry Authorized Hardscaping Contractor and has been designing and constructing patios and gardens as a Landscape and Hardscaping contractor since 1986.
New Landscaping & New Walk with mostly Deer Resistant Plant Material – Paoli, Chester County, PA
Flagstone Walk Bordered with cobblestones – On this walk, we cleaned and used the existing flagstone stepping stones. The cobblestones were used to help set off the walk and give the house a little more curb appeal. The inside cobblestone border is raised to help keep mulch off the walk. The outside border is even with the walk to allow for water to drain off of the walk. More on Landscaping of this house on our landscaping page.
- Before from the street:
- After from the street:
- Before:
- After:
- Before:
- After:
Same Job with Landscaping
- Before Walk and Landscaping
- After Flagstone walk and landscaping
Bluestone Walk and Landing with SRW Riser- Wallingford, Delaware County, PA 19086
On this walk, we took up and removed the existing walk and landing. The new walk and landing use PA bluestone with bluestone treads on the outside of the landing. Cobblestones were used along the driveway to help keep the level of the walk against the steeply pitched driveway and help protect the bluestone from traffic.
- Before from the street:
- After from the street:
- Before from driveway:
- After from the driveway:
- Before Front Landing:
- After Front Landing (Shown wet):
Flagstone Walk Bordered with cobblestones 2 – Wynnewood, Main Line Montgomery County, PA 19096
On this walk we took up the existing walk and compacted the base. The cobblestones were used to help keep the walk clean and set off the walk and give the house a little more curb appeal. We installed the new walk using the existing flagstone mixed with new stone. The walk was pitched to allow water to drain off in a section specially set up for that purpose. Flagstone that was used for the step treads was removed and new bluestone treads were installed along with three low voltage step lights. A veneer of bluestone treads and flagstone was installed over the front concrete landing. Low voltage LED lights were also install to help show off the house and a couple of the front trees. Cobblestones were also used along the driveway as a border.
- Steps before:
- Steps after:
- Walk before:
- Walk after:
- Landing before:
- Landing after:
Flagstone Walk – gray with extra tan Maple Glen, Montgomery County, PA 19002
Japanese Style Bluestone Walk – Wynnewood, Montgomery County, Main Line, PA 19096
The back entrance to this house did not need a solid walk past the first set of steps. This was the main entrance into the house from the driveway so the customer wanted to add some interest. The walk leading around to the deck steps was made more informal with two 1-ft. bands of flagstone and 1-ft. of river rocks in the center. Stepping stones were placed through pea gravel beds surrounded with boulders and river rocks to give an effect similar to stepping stoned through a pond. The design was influenced by Japanese Gardens. Also shown is the same garden about 10 years after planting showing how properly spaced plants will fill in and the landscape will improve over the years. Overcrowded plantings are more expensive to install, and can look better when first planted, but they usually start looking worse after a few years
- Before:
- After with Small Shrubs Planted:
- Before:
- After with Small Shrubs Planted:
- After with Small Shrubs Planted:
- After With Established Landscaping (about 10 years after planting):
- After With Established Landscaping (about 10 years after planting):
- After With Established Landscaping (about 10 years after planting):